Brown Counter-top It's built into the wall, but it must have originally folded up and down. The covering is battleship linoleum, which goes really well with the cedar wall-covering. Here : Box of kleenex tissues Bowl of catfood Knife set Mini-wateringcan penholder Bottle of Merlot Nearby : Cabinets - east Cabinet above stove Cabinets - west Refrigerator Cabinet above refrigerator Cabinet beside refrigerator Shelf Knick-knack shelves Brown counter top Chopping block cabinet

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  • Avoid a costly full replacement: Better Homes ’s counter top remodeling process can save you up to 50% or more of the cost of a complete kitchen remodel.

  • Reduce the remodeling hassle: Our professionally-trained installers usually complete your countertop installation in just two days. That means none of the mess and clutter that happen with a major kitchen remodel.

  • Increase the value of your home: A minor counter top, countertop remodel that updates a kitchen without remaking it brings the most bang for the buck at resale time, returning up to 141% of its construction cost.*

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* Remodeling Magazine’s Cost vs. Value Report, 2001

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